Fallen | Twenty Four


And she dreams about him again
The one who could weave all her pain,
As soon as she opens her eyes
She remembers all the broken lies.
How can she want him after what he did?
Maybe thats the beauty of the love that lies within.
She sees him staring at this girl he is now into
Thinking maybe he’ll too feel what she went through.
All the walls she built came crumbling down
When he swore that he’d always be around.
And the same walls were soon build too high
The day she found loves never fair.
She has now somehow learnt to live,
With a broken heart and empty promises.
He taught her how it felt in love
And soon taught her how it felt to be betrayed in love.
She now closes her eyes
To be in a world where everything seemed right
A place where he was by her side
A place where she could hold him tight.
A place where her nightmares  burnt bright.
She loved him and he did too;
But the only difference was,
it just wasn’t true.
   – Anshika Kasana,17

Leaning |Twenty Three


we tend to lean on love a lot but when it goes it’s up to us if we want to fall down or stay balanced and get back on our feet.

It Starts With Us | Fifteen


Family and relatives it is said that we can choose our friends but cannot choose our siblings, cousins or relatives with whom we share the bond of blood. Just like in a circus every act has a special place to play in the same way in the box of perfect family that we sometimes think is suffocating every individual has a special act to play in our life. Which family doesn’t have a fight we all have cracks but the Base of family stands on trust, adjustment, and understanding It is important that we have compassion and utmost respect for each individual in our family and accept them as they are. The problems start when we try to paint others in the perfect picture of our own eyesight. We try to make their attitude correct towards us without understanding their wants and needs. In a family we are of different generation and we all think differently so we have change a bit and adjust in the portrait picture of our family with smiles that come from our hearts filled with love for my dear ones not because the photographer said cheese to us. Yes we don’t get to choose our family because it is our life that needs them and we have to grow in the very place our seeds are put and make our foundation of love and bond strong in a family so that our family tree remains ever growing with value and happiness.

     – Adyasha Rout, 20

My Superpowers – Part 1 | Fourteen

tumblr_lvsyktrQbo1r6wx12o1_500 This is the story of how a little boy died. This is the story of my first taste of life. This is the story of how five guys beat the daylights out of me. This is also a story of revenge. Some things come to us as blessings, others, as lessons. I don’t know what this one came as, an awakening maybe. All I know is it changed me completely and no matter how hard I try now, I can’t change it back. Maybe I am scared. This might just be an armor, a shield or a defense mechanism. The crux is that every day I look back, I hope I can turn back the needles of the clock and maybe tell my former self to react differently. If you look through any of my childhood videos, you would notice a kid with a smile brighter than the stars, full of confidence and brimming with hope. I can say I was happy. I was in grade fourth when I joined a hostel and was the only kid in my batch who didn’t shed a tear. Heck, I was the one who asked my parents to make me join a hostel. I remember people exclaiming how I had this aura around me, how I was good at everything. Every venture I took was a success, it was my confidence. My confidence was my secret weapon. It was the ‘chemical X’ that gave me my superpowers. All this went on till the seventh grade. It was the last day of hostel before the summer vacations, my parents were coming to pick me up and then we would head home. At least that’s what I had thought. I was lying down face front on my bed reading a book, when this kid shouted out my name, asking me for a cap. Maybe I was too busy reading the book or maybe I just hadn’t heard him, I don’t know but I didn’t answer back. He was a new addition to the batch and had joined after repeating a grade. He had a big built, and somewhat held an autocracy in class. Only people who weren’t ‘under’ him were few kids like me who held our own. He called again and I didn’t answer. So he came to my bed and in jest hit me on my back, I know he wasn’t serious at that time. Maybe I should have read the situation properly. We were still friends after all. Anyways, at that moment a current of pain past through my body. It hurts a lot every time someone hits me on my back. I turned back and shouted a few angry words. He did too, soon this snowballed into a fight, and he owned me. I know I fought well, but soon it was completely one sided. Maybe this another way for my mind to cope with the situation but the rest I remember only in flashes: He brings out a hockey stick – Fear – Embarrassment – I am on the ground – His huge built friend joins in – I fight back – Anger – Frustration – Fear – Three more join in – Helplessness – Fear – Two hold my arms – Fear – Two hold my legs – Fear – Fear. I had never been so afraid in my life, I was completely helpless. What I couldn’t comprehend was the fact that even though I had given up, they didn’t stop. The only thing I wished for were some people to back me up, but none of my friends joined in to help. I could only see sympathy in their eyes, there was no anger or frustration. Soon all if it was over, I didn’t know what make of it. I had decided not to tell my parents, mostly because of the embarrassment. Yet, as soon as I saw my mother tears rolled down my eyes. Shove came to push she was at the principal’s office, but I knew they had taken something that the principal couldn’t restore; my superpowers were gone. As I said, this also a story of revenge. Up until now, I was the victim but comes later, is where I went wrong. If only I hadn’t reacted this way, then maybe, I would still be able to restore myself.

Perfection | Nine


I didn’t think anything could be perfect until I started talking to you. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you get mad and make that face that you think is scary but in reality it’s beautiful. It doesn’t matter what people say or think about you because to me… You’re perfection and you wouldn’t never be anything short of that.